bags should be how to properly store? For some people love bags most people
prefer to collect them, especially for the LV bag, Chanel bag so cool odd
designer bags and more certain value to the collection, but how to collect, how
to save people become love package problems. The reason is that for how to save
Louis Vuitton bag was vague, its material, abrasion resistance is the problem.
Avoid all the problems, the first thing you need to do is to avoid dust bag, so
we must use cheap pillowcase (definitely not a pretty cotton 220) to finish the
LV bag to keep away moths
And more than equipped for deworming and
Louis Vuitton bag in the closet to put mothballs in fact, this is a serious
mistake. In fact, they do not know, mothballs, LV Monogram canvas will actually
cause premature wear and tear, resulting in cracks. This is a common mistake,
is not conducive to your better storage LV bag. Thus, the packet is stored in
the closet, be sure not to use mothballs.
NA things that do not put LV bag
Old things, such as T-shirt material bag,
not on the bag, because it must maintain bag shape. Although the LV bag is very
durable, but should also be well maintained. While avoiding unnecessary stress.
When not properly put away, do not put weight on the LV bag on top of the bag
because this will result in a long period of time caused by folding the bag or
the old pieces of paint on canvas crack。
I hope this gives
you some help, so you better collect names package so that the same bag as the
new, either color or shape are the same as the new noble always saved its
original form.
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